IT Automation
Future without Boundaries

It used to be that IT was a completely separate, almost stand-alone function in business. Each component existed in its own silo, working independently of others. Today, successful businesses realise that this fragmented, isolated approach to IT is not only dated, but it’s something that can ultimately damage the business in the long run.
It used to be that IT was a completely separate, almost stand-alone function in business. Each component existed in its own silo, working independently of others. Today, successful businesses realise that this fragmented, isolated approach to IT is not only dated, but it’s something that can ultimately damage the business in the long run. These forward thinking organisations realise that IT is the lifeblood of any business and IT Automation is the glue that holds everything together.
eClub events have been presenting the latest in technology and future trends in business for well over ten years.
MC: Caroline Pemberton
David Jones - Co-Founder & CEO StreetHawk
Francis Vierboom - Software Architect for UAVs at Propeller Aerobotics
Pete Cooper - Regional Director at and Founder at iCentral.Co by The Start Society
Chy Chuawiwat - CEO Offis Cloud Services
Event Details
Location: CBD Hotel
Date: 05:30PM - 09:30PM, Thursday 26 March, 2015
Events Gallery
Event Speakers
Francis Vierboom Director - Propeller Aerobotics
Propeller Aerobotics are using UAVs to put near real-time mapping information in the hands of everyone.
Pete Cooper Regional Director at and Founder at iCentral.Co by The Start Society
Experienced innovator and investor in financial technology.
David Jones Co-Founder & CEO StreetHawk
David is a serial founder who previously started WebSENSE Email Filter and ThreatMetrix.
Caroline Pemberton Offis MC - TV Presenter, Producer
Currently developing her own unique adventure TV series and brand; 'MissAdventure' which appeals to active women interested in adventure and action sports.
Chy Chuawiwat CEO - Offis Cloud Service
IT Industry since 1983 and IT Security since 2001, he started his own computer security company, P7 Security and sold it to Offis, where he's now CEO.