Our Customers
Case Study
SuperChoice: Legacy System to Cloud Ready App
Professional Services
Ian Gibson
Chief Information Officer
SuperChoice Services Pty Ltd
What led us to Offis was their expertise in automated deployments and RightScale.
SuperChoice chose to adopt a multi-cloud strategy as part of an internal transformation to meet the requirements of the government’s new SuperStream superannuation system before the June 2016 deadline. “Many companies start moving to the cloud by deploying their newest, most cloud-ready apps, whereas we actually did the opposite,” says Ian Gibson, CIO of SuperChoice. “We took our core legacy system built 17 years ago and deployed that to the cloud.”
The multi-cloud strategy is powered by RightScale—the global leader in cloud management technology and a major technology partner of Offis. “What led us to Offis was their expertise in automated deployments and RightScale. There just aren't that many people in the market familiar with this,” says Gibson.

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