One of the most respected technology/business innovation communities, eClub events have been presenting the latest in technology and future trends regularly for over 15 years. eClub events seek to explore and discuss technology trends and their impact on the future of business.
Amazon Web Services was the first public cloud to open in Australia in 2013 with two Availability Zones in Sydney. Microsoft Azure opened in Sydney & Melbourne in 2014. Offis compared IaaS resources & key IaaS+ services such as High-Availability, Network Topology, 3-Tier Application Best Practices, On-Premises Integration and Multi Cloud Management.
It used to be that IT was a completely separate, almost stand-alone function in business. Each component existed in its own silo, working independently of others. Today, successful businesses realise that this fragmented, isolated approach to IT is not only dated, but it’s something that can ultimately damage the business in the long run.