Skunkmonks (Creative Technologists) are capable of amazing technical creativity, they are the ones that turn boring stuff into the very substance of brilliance and make the impossible, possible. Share ideas, techniques & technology in a friendly community of creative/technical practitioners.
Is Fashion more important than Function to win mass adobtion of wearable technology?
Debate Moderator - Caroline Pemberton, Chy Chuawiwat - Offis CEO, Shahe Momdjian and his team at Masters Academy. What should designers, engineers, developers, etc. focus the majority of their resources and efforts on when creating a new product?
More than just playing games, Gamification can help make your product, service or business process more engaging -- and fun!
Held in April 2014, this SkunkMonk panel was moderated by Renée Brack with our awesome SkunkMonk panel of experts