Skunkmonks (Creative Technologists) are capable of amazing technical creativity, they are the ones that turn boring stuff into the very substance of brilliance and make the impossible, possible. Share ideas, techniques & technology in a friendly community of creative/technical practitioners.

Mobile Mayhem: Evolution or Revolution? Ric Holland and Renée Brack introduce and mediate the SkunkMonk panel discussion on whether or not Mobile Mayhem has resulted from digital evolution or revolution. Topics included - Mobile Advertising, Social Trends, Hardware platforms, Product Innovation, Wearable Tech, Big Data, Cloud, UX, AR, AI, NFC, Mobile Health Management, Field Force, Location and Context targeting.
At the SkunkMonk launch event we talked about how to deal with clients when asked to deliver the impossible in terms of technology, time frame and price. Chy Chuawiwat CEO Offis explained how SkunkMonk came about and everyone in the room was selected for being a SkunkMonk. (Creative Technologist) The panel was moderated by David Blight, Digital Editor AdNews followed by open forum discussions and networking.